Welcome to the August update from Subscribe-HR HQ
The new financial year has ashered in a few changes here at Subscribe-HR HQ. As well as lots of new functionality currently being porgrammed into the system, the other HQ happenings are outlined below.
This month's highlights include:
- Jobs Board update
- Contract sign-off
- Important note re customisation
- On-Demand solution training for e-Recruitment and SHaRe
- New White Paper: HR Metrics, Datafication and Talent Intelligence
New System Functionality - Jobs Board
This functionality provides applicants with information about how to use the Subscribe-HR Jobs Board to ensure the maximum number of candidates apply for each Vacancy. When an Applicant Clicks on Apply, the first information they will see is “How to Apply”. If you require this text to be customised, please speak with your account manager. Subscribe-HR will also be making this into a configurable item shortly.
Subscribe-HR has also made a number of minor updates to usability in the Jobs Board to ensure you are attracting the best candidates quickly. Please take a look at the wiki for Help Information: http://wiki.subscribe-hr.com.au/Applying-for-vacancies.
New System Functionality - Contract Sign-Off
The Auto Contract Sign-off APP will allow you to automatically generate Employment contracts from Templates. The template can be put together then sent for authorisation using a one-up sign-off process as follows:
- When HR puts compiles the contract, it can be sent to an authoriser.
- This authoriser can make changes to the contract.
- These changes will be tracked within Subscribe-HR.
- If the contract is authorised, it will then be sent to the Applicant.
- The applicant will be notified of the contract, and they are prompted to log into the Subscribe-HR Jobs board to sign-off through a number of compliance checkpoints including:
- Login;
- Security Code Submission;
- Digital Signature Terms; and
- Acceptance.
- All interaction between the business and the applicant is tracked in Subscribe-HR including Sign-Off IP Address. For further information please take a look at this link: http://wiki.subscribe-hr.com.au/Vacancies-manage-the-vacancy
There are also a number of other new Releases scheduled:
- New Vacancy Wizard.
- Super Choices and Tax Declaration Sign-Off.
- Minor Interface Modernisation Update.
Important Note Re Customisation
Subscribe-HR releases APPS into the system. Each APP can be customised by each customer based on specific requirements. This customisation can be done by the customer or Subscribe-HR using the Subscribe-HR IDE (JavaScript) solution.
If any customisation is performed the APP will then no longer have any standard releases / updates overlayed within the APP. If you customise your APP it will be tagged as such, and thus will not receive new updates.
If you require a new standard feature within the specific APP, that conflicts with your customisation, Subscribe-HR reserves the right to charge you for the update to be performed to ensure no bugs result (A quote will be provided).
If you choose to take the update and overlay it without performing the relevant testing, Subscribe-HR does not take any responsibility for Bugs or errors that may occur. Please note: Standard Code is updated by Subscribe-HR and will not be affected by APP Releases.
On-Demand Solution Training for e-Recruitment and SHaRe Solutions
For those of you not aware, we have created on demand video training for the e-Recruitment and SHaRe solutions at your request.
e-Recruitment: These videos are now available on demand and can be accessed by going to the link below and entering the password.
Training Video link:
Password to access videos: Subscribe-HR Customer Training
Please note that this password us case sensitive and you must include the spaces between each word.
SHaRe Solution: The training video for the most recent release of the SHaRe Solution is available for you to access on demand. Release note are available below (and have also been posted into Wiki for you to reference /access at your convenience). The Wiki link is:
Training Video link:
Password to access videos: Subscribe-HR Customer Training
Please note that this password us case sensitive and you must include the spaces between each word.
New White Paper: HR Metrics, Datafication and Talent Intelligence
The third paper in the Thought Leadership Series from Avril Henry was released this month. Read all about the datafication of HR, metrics and talent intelligence here.
We hope you enjoy these new features, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
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