Welcome to the September update from Subscribe-HR HQ
Subscribe-HR is pleased to announce that we have hit 5,000,000+ annual logins into the Subscribe-HR e-Recruitment, e-HR and Performance Management Cloud Solution. In addition, here's an update about all the new functionality just released, or currently being programmed into the Subscribe-HR system.
This month's highlights include:
- Contract Sign-Off APP release and training
- New Vacancy Wizard
- Super Choices and Tax Declaration Sign-Off APP
- Register your training requests
Contract Sign-Off Wizard
The Auto Contract Sign-off APP allows you to automatically generate Employment contracts from Templates. The template can be put together then sent for authorisation using a one-up sign-off process as follows:
- When HR puts compiles the contract, it can be sent to an authoriser.
- This authoriser can make changes to the contract.
- These changes will be tracked within Subscribe-HR.
- If the contract is authorised, it will then be sent to the Applicant.
- The applicant will be notified of the contract, and they are prompted to log into the Subscribe-HR Jobs board to sign-off through a number of compliance checkpoints including:
- Login;
- Security Code Submission;
- Digital Signature Terms; and
- Acceptance.
- All interaction between the business and the applicant is tracked in Subscribe-HR including Sign-Off IP Address. For further information please take a look at this link: http://wiki.subscribe-hr.com.au/Vacancies-manage-the-vacancy
Live training webinars were completed this week. For those of your who missed these live webinars, there will be on-demand training available online from mid-October.
These videos are located on the Subscribe-HR website and can be accessed at any time via the following link:
Because the training is in a password protected area, you will need to complete the form and submit a password to access the videos. The password is:
Subscribe-HR Customer Training
Please note that this password is case sensitive and you must include the spaces between each word.
New Vacancy Wizard
The New Vacancy Wizard has been designed to allow end-users to post vacancies quickly. The wizard brings together all the key set-up points for a Vacancy. It also includes a new Talent Search and matching algorithm that looks for applicants and employees that match your search criteria. The purpose of which is to allow you to use your own internal agency IP (Current Live Applicant Records), to reduce time-to-hire and cost-of-hire, by allowing you to choose to send them manual e-mails about your Vacancy. This allows you to reduce your dependence on Job Boards.
Super Choices and Tax Declaration Sign-Off
Super Choices and Tax Declaration Sign-Off APPs are about the be completed.
Tax Declaration Automation allows you to capture your Employee Tax Declarations automatically, and merge the information into the relevant format so you can submit it to the ATO via the relevant ATO Upload Mechanism. Once an Employee has submitted their Tax Declaration information, you will be able to go into individual records to PDF the submission also. Once the ATO has released their Single-Touch Payroll integration, this process will be fully automated. Please note that this functionality exists within the SHaRe–HR solution. The Tax Declaration Forms will be sent to the employee, into their Dashboard and also into the Canvas. A complete Employee Canvas, history is stored in the Employee Canvas Sub-Folder.
Super Choices information can be submitted by the Employee into the SHaRe Solution. This Super Choices SHaRe feature will allow the employee to submit their Superannuation Details into the ShaRe canvas. The canvas will contain all the relevant Super Choices fields. Once this is done, HR or the Manager can download the PDF/s so they can submit to ATO.
Please note, the Tax Declaration and the Super Choices Submission will be locked in SHaRe and cannot be updated by End Users. Also, please be aware that as of 1/10/2015 new APPs are now charged at 0.30 cents per employee per month, per APP. Please read the Master Agreement for further information: http://www.subscribe-hr.com.au/master-agreement
Register Your Training Requests
We've made it easier for you to request specific training for your system. To register a training request for your business, simply follow the link below, and choose which solution you need training for:
We're currently working on creating more online, on-demand training for you to access any time, in addition to providing tailored training to customers where needed.
We hope you enjoy these new features, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
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