February Update from Subscribe-HR HQ
We're taking an exciting new direction with our content this year. To make it easier for you to gain crucial knowledge about the transformation of HR in a rapidly changing work world, we're going change our focus from Blogs to Podcasts. That way you will be able to listen to the latest news and knowledge about HR instead of having to read it!
Highlights for February:
- Wellness at work, simple habits for a happy workplace - The Relaxation Response
- Podcast - Got any special requests?
- Performance Management - Feeback filter and Strategic Announcement / Direction Pivot Tool
1. Wellness at work, simple habits for a happy workplace - The Relaxation Response
In February we continue with another monthly Wellness Habit. This month's focus is on The Relaxation Response. Discover what's needed to de-stress yourself no matter where you are and trigger the relaxation response that resets your system. These simple habit changes can increase your wellbeing and the level of wellness that your Employees experience too. You can access February's Wellness Habit here.
2. Podcast - Got any special requests?
We would love to hear from you about any HR professionals that you would like us to connect with and interview. Or, if you have particular questions that you want answered - send them through - we're all ears...
3. Performance Management - Feedback Filter and Strategic Announcement / Direction Pivot Tool
The Performance Feedback functionality now enables you to set up a list of words that are banned from the feedback process. Once a Feedback contains at least one of these words, the Feedback is not displayed in the feed and is stored in quarantine. Once quarantined, an authorised HR user can:
- Block/unblock this Employee from submitting more feedbacks.
- Approve the feedback and remove it from quarantine. It will then be displayed in the feedback feed.
The 'Strategic Announcement Tool' allows departmental Executives to collaborate with colleagues to create and implement Departmental Plans efficiently. These plans can be linked to Skills, Goals, Values, Behaviours and Job Descriptions. Or, new Skills, Goals, Values, Behaviours and Job Descriptions can be created during the planning phase. Once Plans are accepted, they can be communicated to the business at the Department level by HR. Once an Announcement is active, real-time feedback can be used and entries by users can be directly linked to such Announcements. This tool allows Subscribe-HR customers to quickly pivot from a business strategy perspective and cascade this crucial information throughout the Performance Management system to inform multiple touch-points throughout the organisation. This functionality ensures a process that encompasses clear communication, thorough integration and a holistic approach to linking business strategy to performance and behaviour to set yourself up for success.
By the end of March, 2016, Subscribe-HR will release the SHaRe Performance extension which will allow for cycle-based reviews to be built and rolled out to Jobs. The Feedback, and Organise, Supervise Deputise functionality will be able to be linked into overall reviews.
The Subscribe-HR team
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