There will be an important release made into your Subscribe-HR system on Wednesday, July the 10th, 2019. This new release relates to the Performance Management solution. The Performance Management release has been developed to allow Subscribe-HR customers, to have multiple options / methods for managing performance reviews. These options include: Catch-up and Check-in, Weekly Reviews, Fortnight Reviews, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Annual etc. It's really up to you. You can also define who participates: Employee Only, Manager Only, Employee - Manager, External (non-user), Peer - 360 and so on. With our configurable workflows, you can define your review cycle, trigger it and then sit back while Subscribe-HR takes care of the rest. Please note that the next release will be based around making significant changes to the Dashboard in Subscribe-HR. Please see below, the specific release details. We have included links to videos and wiki information. We have also put together an FAQ document which we are happy to provide you with.
Configurable Performance Workflow:
Configurable Performance Workflows. What this video to learn more: Click Here . Refer to the wiki also: Click Here. Click on the Performance Solution option to access this Sub-Folder.
For defining your review processes. You can have as many Performance Workflows as you like. These can then be linked to Departments, Groups and or Employees. You can have individual reviews per person if you choose this.
- Delayed Start: This applies to any step in the Performance Workflow including check-in (pulse survey) and PDP. If you don’t want to start the step straight away, you can delay the next step. E.g. Wait 2 months before the next step. This is note date driven because when you deploy a performance workflow and you want it to flow smoothly. If its date driven you would need to update the dates all the time. You set these workflows up and let them run.
- Name: Self explanatory. Type in the name of step.
- Step Type: There are 4 Different type. They are Define, PDP, Review, Check-in. PDP allows you to create Plans / Actions against goals. Goals are defined against the Employee either through a Performance Review or the relevant Dashboard Widget. What ever Goals the Employee has at the time of the review, will be brought into the definition or PDP steps. User will then be able to adjust those goals in the PDP step in the review. If your intervention in the PDP us training you can then create a Training Records directly from the PDP. This will create a record against the Employees – Training Sub-Folder.
- Assign To: We don’t allow peers to define skills, goals, behaviours or values. It’s not practical to do this. A step can be assigned to Employee, Manager or Peer. With exception of definition step. It can only be assigned to Employee or Manager. For step type “Review” permission area will be displayed in the workflow wizard where individual review permissions can be define. This includes what the manager employee or peer can see on their review. Peers can be anonymous.
- Define Templates: When you select step type “Define”, you will be able to select templates that Employee or Manager will use to define Skills, Goals and Behaviours. Templates can be configured using the Subscribe-HR Development Tool. If the step type is “PDP” you will also be able to specify templates to use to create goals and action / Development Plans. Click Here to learn about creating Templates.
- E-mail Rules: E-mail allow you to trigger e-mails based on certain actions in the performance workflow. For example – you may want to trigger an e-mail when a step becomes available to the person involved, letting them know that they can go in and do their performance review. Most of these workflows are already set-up. We are also able to create custom e-mails if needed.
- Catch-up Step: You can attach a performance canvas to a step in the review. So you can have multiple canvases in the same performance review. Defines the period-of-time a person has to complete this step.
Rating scales. Click on the Performance Solution option to access this Sub-Folder. Click Here to watch a video to learn about Rating Scales. Refer to the wiki also: Click Here. Rating Scales can be created here and then linked to the relevant review SHaRe Canvas. Ratings scales can include the following examples: 1-5, 1-10, Decimals, Stars etc.
Performance Workbench. Click on the Performance Solution option to access this Sub-Folder. Click Here to watch a video to learn about Performance Workbench. Refer to the wiki also: Click Here. My Team Performance in Workbench – Allows user (manager or peer) to access and interact with relevant reviews.
Actions in My Team Performance Workbench include:
# Open Review – Allows user to navigate to the review page.
# Change Key Dates – Allows user to update the step due date and next step start date. Example - this would be used if the definition phase the next step is starting in 3 months. You can use this tool to change the start date to say 1 month instead of 3. You can drive dates manually with this tool.
# Re Open Step – If the step has been submitted and locked, it can be Re Opened using this action.
# Force Start Next Step – Opens the next step in the review, regardless of the step start date.
# Results – Shows all responses in the process.
# Delete – Deletes the review and all its related item.
# View History – This will show information from the Employee Path – related to the Performance Review history for the individual. Information in this area includes e-mails sent and actions taken by the user during the review process/s.
Completion of Review. This can be done by clicking on the e-mail which is sent relating to the review or reviews can be accessed in the Performance Work Bench. Click Here to watch a video to see what the experience of the respondent looks like. E.g. Employee, Manager, Peer etc. Refer to wiki also: Click Here.
Performance Canvas Deployment (launch review). This is an option in the Performance Work Bench. Click Here watch a video to see what the Deployment Tool does. Refer to the wiki also: Click Here. Select Performance Workflow. Select Employee. Preview by role of review. Performance Deployment Summary. In the Deployment area, there is a field called copy from previous review which allows you to bring Skills and Behaviours from previous review.
SHaRe. Access SHaRe by Click on the SHaRe solution and the Canvas Sub-Folder. If you want to create new Performance Reviews, Click New and Select, Type – Performance. Allows you to create your Performance Review forms. You can add Place holders for items for Skills, Goals, Values, Behaviours and assign a Rating Scale to each area. Click Here watch a video about SHaRe for Performance Reviews. Refer to the wiki also: Click Here.
Correspondence. Click on Maintenance and then the Maintenance Correspondence Folder. This are allows you to set-up templates and merge fields for Performance e-mail notification workflows. There are standard workflows and e-mail configured to send, ready for you to use. You can edit these templates or create new ones. When you create templates you need to link to performance (Object Performance Employee workflow) for the templates appear in e-mail rules in the performance workflow steps.
Preconfigured Workflow notification e-mails.
These include:
Step Opened – Employee Manager or Peer
Step Completed – Respondent
Step Overdue
NOTE: The previous Performance Review functionality will not longer be active. Subscribe-HR will migrate you to the new Performance Management kit, at no charge - Like for Like.
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